Author, Public Speaker, Award Winning Entrepreneur & Professor, Northeastern University Boston, USA
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The Job is Easy, The People are Not!

The Job is Easy, The People are Not!

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Numerous studies demonstrate that working with people is the most stressful part of a job. In this book, I explore this topic in 10 candid and authentic interviews, with professional managers and academic leaders. In response the complexities of working with people, I propose 10 essential skills identified from my experience as an academic leader, skills that I coined as “smart”, (to replace the “soft”), such as validation, emotional maturity, followership, cognitive readiness, humility, productive inclusion and more. In the 10 interviews, you will hear how “regular” people navigate the complex waters of working with others, will get practical suggestions about how to develop your own smart skills, and realize that you are also one of the people that makes the job harder than it should be! 

If you are interested in learning more about my work and this book, make sure you contact me and I would love to have a conversation with you! Thank you, Loredana

Watch the YOUTUBE video series!